Monday, August 13, 2012

This I pledge and I'll take it to my death..

Yikes. I can't believe I made it through this past week! It was a cu-ray-zay week. Oh but let me just begin by saying this: Today, I was running on one of the dirt roads by my house and a girl that lives down there stopped me and told me that they saw a black bear down that road this past weekend :-/ Imean, we've been knowing he was back there..but we thought he was about a mile back. Now he's running through the cane fields (um in my back yard..) and on a road where people live..As soon as she told me this..I ran back to my house on the side of the HIGHWAY like a coo coo..but I couldn't help it..I wasn't about to run back through the cane fields (where I ALWAYS go!) because that's where they saw him..scurry. The whole time I was running back I swear I heard that bear following me..I think the men that live down there will probably take care of the situation..they have been mounting deer cameras to keep track of him (her? and maybe cubs?). So annnywayyy I just ran alongside a really busy busy highway with people honking at me and thinking I'm a nutcase because it's almost dark outside and I was by myself..

Back to my crazy week. Well. I think most people that know me, and read this blog, know that my husband and I have some high highs, and some low lows. (Which I'm sure every marriage does!) So last week was the lowest of the low..annnd my work has been crazy and super stressful. One of our therapists just decided to start working now basically the rest of us are running around like crazy people who don't even have time to go to the bathroom or take a break..and when we do take a break, we have mountains of paperwork to finish. Blah. I would rather just treat every single patient than have to do the paperwork. It's time consuming AND sometimes by the time I get to it, it's been hours since I've seen that patient and I have to rack my brain to remember what they said and what treatment we did, etc. I didn't mean to go into all of that. So last Monday I went with some of my family/cousins/and friends to see MewithoutYou..a band that I've loved for about 9 or 10 years..well. I loved them at first..and I even saw them play twice. Over the past few years, I haven't enjoyed their music like I used to. I didn't even buy their last album that came out..but who can miss Aaron Weiss when he comes to town to dance around on the stage?? No one. No one should ever miss this! He really has the best time on the stage singing and dancing. Tuesday night I had my boot camp class and came home to cook supper for my husband..Wednesday night I went with my brother and sister in law to see P.O.D. in Lafayette..ummm..Let's just say that I've been trying to see them for almost 15 years and never got to for so many dumb reasons. The venue was the weirdest place ever for them to play, but it was sort of small, so we got a spot right in the front. We had to wait through a really bad band (think Nickelback and Creed having a baby..). But then something awesome happened..P.O.D. came out and they were amazinngggggg. Imean we were so freakin close to the stage that Sonny kept putting the mic down in our faces to sing(scream)..and I almost died a couple times from crazy people, but I didn't even care. I never wanted it to end. How can you not have fun when you are that close to the band and they are awesome and killing it?? (I've never said 'killing it'..but they were!) I'm seriously still on a high from that show and it was like 5 days ago soooo..pretty much I've been listening to them since then and that's about it in my cd player..Afterwards, we stalked the tour bus because we knew where it was. There were only like 5 other people back there, so we got to meet the band and take a picture with them (with really bad lighting, but who cares-I'm touching Sonny!) :

And they were super nice. And when I got home I started stalking them online (duh) and I found out that Sonny, along with a former member of the band Korn, Brian Welch (aka "Head"), and the singer from Flyleaf (Lacey Sturm), and a few other awesome dudes (Ryan Ries, Ronnie Faisst) started this thing called the Whosoevers..and they basically just have these big shows and they all talk and share about all of the crazy stuff that they came out of..because honestly, a lot of the kids that would go to this aren't the kind of kids that would ever go to a church..but they would go to see some of these bands play. And then they can hear everyone's stories about how they came out of drugs, depression, self mutilation..Imean how cool is that. And they got their name from a scripture that we all know.."that Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish" know the rest :) Their website says, "This is a threat to formalized religion" which I'm sure a lot of people get offended by..but..I agree with what they're saying. I'm not the best at explaining things, especially when I need to. ha! I just think it's cool.

Annnywayyy. The rest of the week went by pretty fast..Friday night I had a quick date with the hubby at the Renaissance hotel's restaurant..the food was SO good. I got scallops and he got sea bass..the food was excellent! But pricey. Afterwards, I went to meet some gals for a girl's night. Got to see a long lost cousin that I haven't seen in about 2 years. The next day I went to a birthday party for my good friend's son, (that was hard to friend's son's birthday?) and then ran a million errands. Then went to eat at Coyote Blues with my husband. When Sunday came around, I wasn't up for anything. I slept LATE. Spent time with the kiddos..then went to ANOTHER girl's night at Zea's with my friends from college..we had a great time catching up. They all have kids except for one..who has one on the way. So we pretty much just talked about babies the ENTIRE time.. 
So that was my crazy week! I'm glad it's over! This post was long! I hope the bear doesn't eat my dogs! Or come in my trailer at night and eat all my honey!
That's all. I'm going relax.

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