Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oh, Mr. Moon..

So I totally stole this from something that my cousin posted on facebook..but It's soo funny! So I had to post it..

How to Make a Peanut Butter Sandwich, by the Losties

1. Gather ingredients
2. Point gun at ingredients and shout “HOW DO I MAKE A SANDWICH OUT OF YOU?!?!?”
3. Breathe heavily through your nose as though you were about to hit ingredients
4. Give up and make the sandwich yourself, and eat it bitterly

1. Make separate sandwiches, one with peanut butter and one with jelly
2. Take a bite of the peanut butter sandwich, declaring it the best
3. Take a bite of the jelly sandwich, declaring it the best
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 ad infinitum
5. Follow peanut butter or jelly sandwich into grave danger

1. Throw the jar of jelly at wall, sneering “I don’t need no sandwich”
2. Call the mascot on the jar of peanut butter lots of clever nicknames
3. Huff and puff and stomp around and grumble a lot
4. When no one’s looking, make perfect, even, symmetrical peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sit in a corner, enjoying every bite

1. Sit idly by, believing that the ingredients will find a way to make a sandwich out of themselves
2. Lose faith and make the sandwich anyway
3. Realize that you were the instrument by which the ingredients chose to make a sandwich after all
4. Run around the room and grab everyone’s knives, insisting that their sandwiches will do the same in time

1. Make sandwich
2. Eat sandwich
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 ad infinitum

1. Procure 23 milligrams of uranium-20
2. Set hadron supercollider to eight megajoules
3. Program a sandwich-making macro using Cobol or Visual Basic
4. Act all tough-like

1. Eat sandwich
2. Call the sandwich “brother”
3. Place peanut butter slice over jelly slice
4. Spread jelly on the other slice
5. Spread peanut butter on one slice
6. Take two slices of bread, a jar of peanut butter and a jar of jelly

1. Steal someone else’s sandwich
2. Claim you coerced them into making the sandwich for you all along
3. Say you’ll tell them everything if they make you another sandwich
4. Stare at them all creepy-like

1. Lay out plans for one of the most intricate, fascinating, and delicious sandwiches of all time
2. Just as you start making it, get shot

1. Mmmmmmm, peanut butter

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Hello bloggie..I feel like I kind of fell of the blog earth for awhile. But I really want to start blogging more! I really enjoy reading everyone else's blogs and I wish I had more to say sometimes..Or more things that I felt like I could share to an audience..Anywho..I know this is going to sound weird butttt a few months ago I started following this girl on instagram. (I can't even remember how I came across her-most of the people I follow I have no idea who they are!) I think I started following her bc she always wears the cutest outfits and posts fun pictures..but I also started following her blog. Maybe I'm a little stalkerish? Anyway..I was just reading some of her posts and I came across this one and I feel like I could have written it. It describes EXACTLY what I believe, and how I feel about Jesus. So I just thought I would share it. I honestly wish that everyone would believe this's so uncomplicated and real! Here it is:

What I believe

I believe in Jesus. I believe that He died on the cross for me and loves me so so much more than I deserve.
He died knowing every sin I would ever sin and still chose to.
A lot of people ask what I believe or what my religion is - It's Jesus. That's all.
I am a follower of Christ and will be till I die and meet Him (oh how sweet will that day be?!) so that makes me a Christian by definition.
I don't claim a denomination and I don't have a certain set of rules I believe I have to follow, other than the Bible. His word is all I need.

I know that He loves me just as I am, and that is probably the best feeling in the entire world. Can't be topped. He accepts my colorful skin, my piercings, every bit of me. Those things don't define me anyway. I suppose some Christians have given a bad example of what it looks like to follow Christ, but the Jesus I follow - He is so very rad.
He doesn't except you to come to Him a certain way, He wants you just as you are. He loves you where you're at now. He desires you. Oh, goodness. He longs for you!
He is the best.

I've never come before Him, and felt that I needed to leave and come back when I was having a better day or a better month or year, or thought when I obey his commandments better, then I'll come back and talk to the man upstairs.
Nah. He wants to hold us on our bad days, give us rest. He's not just upstairs either, He is everywhere. I feel him in the warm sunlight, the cold breeze, the stillness of the afternoon. I see Him in sunsets and sunrises, in the leaves on all the trees dancing together, the little birds that fill the air, the stars that hang so perfectly in the night sky, the crackling of a campfire, the peaks of mountains, blankets of snow. He is so beautiful.

Isn't that awesome? It's perfect. 
I hope you all are having a great week! I'm gonna go eat some gumbo now :-]