Sunday, March 18, 2012

I threw it on the ground..

Yay for wifi! Blogging from judah's iPad. It takes like triple the time to type on here! Oh wells..can I just say I'm beat. Past ready to go to sleep. Didn't get any sleep Friday night (but I had such a good time at the Radio Bar!) got here late last night..Was woken up at 7 am today by the nephew. The boy wakes up early and has an unending supply of energy.I swear. We are having a great time so sun burnt on the beach..walked on the pier..laid by the pool..went with the girls for margaritas while the dudes cooked and Grammy watched the baby..we had a really full day and I'm so ready for bed! But I'm sooooooooo super excited for Hunger Games!!!! And to see Pernkie :) and I guesssss to see Charlie and Steph! Off to sleepy land I go for now. Nighty night!

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