Wednesday, April 3, 2013

This life would kill me if I didn't have you..

I'm making oatmeal cookies! With many variations. Walnut. Chocolate chips and walnuts. Butterscotch chips and chocolate chips and walnuts. I've had 3 requests for these in the last week so I hope they come out good and everyone can freakin SHUTUP about me makin em!! geez.
And reading material for my home continuing education courses I have to take.
And spanking Chai every 5 minutes bc she's a bad*zz. She is. with 2 z's on the end for effect.
For some reason the Louisiana State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners decided that it wasn't enough for us to just do our 12 hours of continuing education in a year. We have to have 2 jurisprudence hours, 2 ethics hours, and I can't even remember how many regular hours in 2 years instead of 1 year. Big stupid frickin cluster is what it is. Thank God I work with a woman who stays on top of her stuff and tells me what to do, and when.
Oh! Da cookies is done!
Night y'alls.
Happy Hump Day.

1 comment:

  1. RD hours are pretty dumb, too. Every 5 years we have to submit a master "professional development" plan, and then select goals we want to accomplish. THEN, each of our 75 continuing ed courses HAVE to fit into our goals and master plan. If it doesn't, the hours don't count. DUMB. WHAT IF you have a change in career?!
