Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound..

Finally hooooome! We just drove through 2 hours of the worrrst weather ever.  I was terrified because every time I looked at my facebook I would see someone commenting about the tornadoes and I sat very still..held onto my phone tight (After people get in wrecks, they always tell me they couldn't find their phone) and I uncrossed my legs..if something were to happen I wouldn't want my legs to be all tangled. And I was in a trance like state for about an hour until Judah said something that broke the silence..then I felt like the worst person who calls themself a 'christian' ever. Because, just like my mom, the second anything looks like it could go wrong or something looks scary or gloomy, I automatically pray. Every single time. I just do it without thinking. But then I was still scared. I let the fear take over me. I tend to do this in many situations..I guess I just pray out of habit. Which for sure can be a good thing. But I don't always believe what I'm saying..It's something I gotta work on for sure. And we made it home safe and sound! It was really bad weather though..we saw a ton of cars sitting on the side of the interstate with their flashers on waiting it out. scary.
Okay now I shall write about some warning labels for reading my blog..I'm having a hard time with this one but here it goes! (A few things will be the same as you guys reading this, but whatevs!)

1.) I ramble. I'm all over the place. My brain has a hard time staying on one topic! I'm sorry!!
2.) I always apologize for the way I feel. Sorry! (ha!)
3.) I love my doggies as if they were my birth children..and..and I'm NOT sorry!!
4.) I, too, use song lyrics as my blog titles because I hate titles and I would leave it blank if I had to think of one every time. 
5.) My blog sometimes can get real serious. 

I will probably think of like 87 more things later that I could have said, but those are the 5 things I'm gonna say and I'm not gonna apologize for typing them! Now!
I'm trying to set up Nikeplus right now..anyone know anyone that uses that or the Path app? I'm so confused, but I think it will help me keep track of my runs better (and motivate me to go farther! and faster!) 
So that's my 2nd blog for today! Ohhh yah I forgot..I got the Hunger Games soundtrack (which I didn't love, btw..I just got it because I was so excited) and now I can't contain myself anymore and I'm gonna try so hard to make tomorrow go by really fast so that I can be on an airplane to Minnesoooota to watch the Hunger Games. 


  1. I'm going to buy the soundtrack today. Really.

  2. at least we're all crazy animal people. it makes me feel less crazy.

  3. i seriously laughed every time i read the word "sorry" in this post. hahaha! jealous of you guys traveling, btdub. wish i were me!
