Thursday, March 1, 2012

Saddle up your horses..

Ummm. Why did I just read on someone's facebook status that Steven Curtis Chapman was in Louisiana and I'm not there?? I am so mad! I saw him when I was 12 or 13 years old. And then I went to get his autograph and I think he was in a bad mood because he wouldn't really talk to anyone. I have to give him a chance to redeem himself!!
Anywho, it's the first day of the Ides of March challenge! That means I gotta blog every day. I can do it. I just hope I don't bore you guys to tears.
So guess I'll just blog about my day....welllll...I was happy that I could work very close to home today (so I could sleep in an extra hour!) We had a steady flow of patients so it was pretty good day. I stayed after work to exercise..ran 2 miles..did some other stuff..came home and cooked some porkchops. and sauteed zuchinni and squash and cooked rice. annnd some kale chips..annnd something bad. I had an extra zuchinni so I got crazy and pan fried that sucker. (Does it make it-any-healthier that I used egg whites and spelt flour??ha!). It was really good! Thank God I only did one zuchinni because I couldn't stop eating it.
Ah! Something awesome happened today. I bought my ticket to see Thrice in New Orleans for their farewell tour in May!!!!!! The day after my birthday!!!!!! I don't think you people know how much this means to me. I know I have said like so many things about them..but honestly. If you wanna hear someone sing da truth..listen to dem! Seriously, they have helped me through so many situations in my life, they will really never know how much they mean to lil old me. I even got a tattoo from some of their album art :) (put a bird on it!!) <--for my fellow Portlandia watchers..if you haven't seen that episode..just youtube that phrase and watch the minute and a half sketch. It's so true! ha.
Alas, the dirty dishes are screaming my name.

(note: I was just informed by Ashleigh that The Ides of March doesn't start until March 15..sooo..oops!!)


  1. I'm mad Ashleigh told you!! I was hoping we'd get an extra 15 blogs outta you! :)

    1. I don't see a comment button so I'm commenting on your comment, Steph!

      NOOOOOO!!! That was tonight!!!?? What is wrong with us! I saw that he was coming in the newspaper but my stupid absent mind kept forgetting to double check the date. :(
