Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wake yourself up, you've been dreaming again..

It's been over a week since we finished our blogging challenge..and I don't wanna fall off the face of the blogging planet again!

It's been so pretty outside..I've been spending as much time as I can when I get off of work outside. I've been walking (it seems as if jogging/running is out for now until I resolve my hip issues, which actually seem to be almost resolved! I'm still going to wait awhile before I start pounding the pavement again..) outside almost every single day on a dirt road in the back. The farmer's/workers are used to seeing me back there by now. At first, they would drive by me a few times probably trying to figure out what the heck I was doing..but now I get a friendly wave. I really can't wait to start running again. I wish I had an elliptical machine! I actually secretly have always seen them as machines that older people with bad knees and hips use because it's bad on your joints to run on harder surfaces..but I guess I should start paying attention to my own joints and listen to my body. Why do I have to be so dang hard headed??

I took a page out of sister in law's book and made mexican lasagna tonight..although, I can't make it as good as her..I tried to cut corners with calories as much as possible..I used greek yogurt instead of sour cream (always!) and ground turkey and I even grated up some squash in there to add more vegetables (and I need to get rid of it before it went bad..). It came out pretty good.
I am going to attempt to make a chocolate cake tomorrow using..wait for paste..coconut milk..dark chocolate cocoa powder..well that's all of the ingredients I can think of right now. Soooo I'm soaking my dates overnight to make the paste. Sounds gross, right?? It's gonna be soo good. Well. It LOOKS good in the picture..almost like cheesecake :) I'll have to write about it after I make it.

This weekend I will be going to my first gender reveal party for one of my friends..I'm excited about it! It seems like a lot of people are doing these now..I mentioned it to the hubs and he just looked at me with a blank face..and couldn't understand why anyone would ever do that. Leave it to him to ruin an exciting moment ha! okay, I'm jk..mostly :)

I should really go get some rest..Tomorrow is going to be an extremely busy day..I just want it to be over so it will be the weekend!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

We will wear compassion..

We will wear it..and the gates of hell..won't stand against it.
As Cities Burn were aweesoooome last night. Those are just some of the many really good lyrics from them..I thought it was a little funny that all of these crazy drunk people were screaming these lyrics, (and so many other ones..) and I bet they didn't have a clue about what they were singing. hehe.
It really brought me back to the days when I had like 6 roommates..and we were just crazy all of the time. I guess it was about 6-7 years ago? Idk. But it was great! So many good (and bad..and crazy) memories.

Man, this weekend really flew by. And I didn't blog once. Ha! (I'm pretty sure today is the last day of the blogging challenge?) Today went by super fast..I went to church and then hubs and I went to his parent's house. His sister, Johanna (one of my favorite gals around!) was in town for the day. She went on a cruise with a friend this past week and decided to fly out tomorrow so she could have a day to spend with the family. awww. so sweet. My brother in law, Joel, and his girlfriend came over too. We had to play the evil loathsome game of croquet. I'm starting to think they are punishing me by playing it every time we go over there. Then we played poker for awhile..which was an 11 year old's idea..I swear the kid is obsessed with Texas Hold Em right now..annnnd I 4 times..and I won the big pot. I never win at anything! Guess it was just the luck of the draw..

Ah! I forgot to say that yesterday, I cooked a pot roast. Hubs has been talking about this pot roast that he just loves at the Himalayan I decided to just try it out. Turned out pretty dern good if I do say so myself. Just wish I woulda got a picture of it before the hubs tore into it.

Welp, I think dat's all! Game of Thrones time.

Monday, April 9, 2012

But what good is the whole world, when I promise no tomorrow..

I only promise your tomorrows will never take you past my palm.
Good lyrics! Yay for ACB on Saturday night! I listened to it today and still remembered [almost] every word!

Severe case of the Mondays happening over here.
Also, severe case of the eating-all-the-Easter-candy too. (I said also and too in the same sentence! oops.)
This blog is kind of intimidating me today. So much blank little to write about!
Sometimes (okay, most of the times) I just wish that my job was to dress really really cute every day. And read books. And cook. And buy really really cute clothes. That would be the best job ever! Some days, my job is just so crazy..I feel like I just go and go all day long. I wouldn't even ever know what to do if I didn't go to work. If I were to ever, say, just take a day off. What would I do? On a week day? I just don't even know. Probably think about work.
I am boring. Sorry!
I did have a fun was pretty crazy and we didn't have a lot of time to spend with both families, but it was fun. Until the kids brought out the croquet came. I just hate it so much! And I always lose. I just can't hit that dang ball the right way. And also, it makes me feel funny to play. When we were young, I feel like our rich cousins played croquet. And we probably made fun of it. Guess I'll have to get my brother to tell me if that really happened since he is a living holder of all memories that ever happened in our lives (a living pensieve!). Needless to say, I lost. womp womp.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I don't know the first thing about Love..

Happy Easter! I've gotta say that I really suck at blogging this time around.
Anyway...I hope everyone has a great time with their families today. I woke up, read the Easter story, finished my key lime pie for today..gave the doggies their Easter basket..And had some coffee and cinnamon roles! It feels really weird, not being at church today. (we had so many things to do today so I just decided not to go) I had my own church this morning, the only thing missing is the communion that they are having today..
I hope that everyone takes a little time out of their day to pray or at least reflect on what Jesus did for us. It's such a beautiful thing that we shouldn't forget or ever take for granted.

I'm watching Rocky right now. I just can't pass it up when it's on tv! And I always get so mad that Paulie is so mean to Adrian. And I hate the part when he throws the turkey in the alley! I would punch him!

Well, Judah and I are about to start our crazy day! We are going to hide eggs for the Easter egg hunt this afternoon. Yay! It's the first one we are doing at my parent's house. I have a horrible memory, but I do remember going to Glynnwood Plantation when I was little for the Easter egg hunt. It was so fun!
Then we are off to Baker to get the boys, bring them to Glynn to see my family, eat lots and lots of crawfish and other Serio casseroles, then drive to Central later on to go to Judah's parent's house for more really awesome food. I really need to get some of my mother in law's recipes. Her monkey bread is the best yet! (Ash-I'm in no way comparing it to yours! Her's is more savory than sweet, which makes it something totally different to me!)

Happy Resurrection day, y'all!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'm coming up only to hold you under..

I know, I know. I've been missing on the blogosphere. I'm sorry. I'm having a horrible week. I don't feel like going into it. Haven't felt like blogging about anything in particular..haven't had internet for 2 days and I hate blogging on my phone. I bet you're thinking I'm being soo negative right now and it's so depressing. One good thing happened this week (well, a few good things, but this one in particular..). Monday night was a horrible night. I was being all depressing and sad (like I said, I don't want to go into it..but for some reason I do this horrible thing to myself..It almost makes me feel good to feel sorry for myself and be a stupid girl and cry..for some reason sometimes it makes me feel safe. I know. Sounds dumb, right??)  So anyway, I was being all dumb and finally I said a few little prayers. And I specifically just said/prayed that I missed Becca and I really could use her to talk to right now..I promise that ohhh about 10 seconds later she messaged me. And we don't message each other too often..maybe a couple times a month. It was so weird! I'm pretty sure it was God just letting me know that he hears me :)
It's the little things. Although, it wasn't so little to me. It meant the world..
That's all.
Sorry I've been so nonexistent the last few days..I'll be better.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My God, what a world you love..

Sorry dudes..don't feel like blogging much.

Very excited and ready for the ACB show coming up.

That's all.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hey Juuude..

I just have to say this funny story real quick. Today Judah and I were at my parents house and we were about to walk maw maw was sitting by the door and she started singing "Heey Juude..You know, I like to listen to hip music..I don't like all that old stuff." ahahahha. How funny.
We had a fun day..We just hung around with the boys..rode the go kart and 4 wheeler. Looked for gators (we didn't see any, boo), looked for blackberries to pick (there weren't many, and the few we did see were either too far into the water/ditch or still too red to pick), and played video games. They loooove video games. Sometimes I get a little upset that most kids these days don't appreciate the same things we do. I have great memories of my younger brother and I picking blackberries for my mom to make jam (we ate so many of them before they could all make it home)..It's just little things like that that make the best memories. Oh well, I guess we have done a good job so far in turning cities boys into country boys! They aren't afraid to get dirty anymore. They even get excited about looking for gators (although, it's a bad idea for anyone to bring up the time that Charlie TORTURED them by bringing them in a boat in one of the crawfish ponds where there were gators.) The only thing they ask for now, is a go kart with windows. ha! Now wouldn't that be nice to have?? I'm thinking the Easter bunny might just bring them some sunglasses to wear while they ride :)
Is anyone watching Game of Thrones? Judah is obsessed with it. He goes on and on about how amazing the storyline is, how great the acting is..he just loves it. I watch it too..there are some parts that are a little..yucky. I'm just glad he is actually into a TV show!
I'm eating key lime pie yogurt balls right now. So gooooood.
That's all.