Monday, April 9, 2012

But what good is the whole world, when I promise no tomorrow..

I only promise your tomorrows will never take you past my palm.
Good lyrics! Yay for ACB on Saturday night! I listened to it today and still remembered [almost] every word!

Severe case of the Mondays happening over here.
Also, severe case of the eating-all-the-Easter-candy too. (I said also and too in the same sentence! oops.)
This blog is kind of intimidating me today. So much blank little to write about!
Sometimes (okay, most of the times) I just wish that my job was to dress really really cute every day. And read books. And cook. And buy really really cute clothes. That would be the best job ever! Some days, my job is just so crazy..I feel like I just go and go all day long. I wouldn't even ever know what to do if I didn't go to work. If I were to ever, say, just take a day off. What would I do? On a week day? I just don't even know. Probably think about work.
I am boring. Sorry!
I did have a fun was pretty crazy and we didn't have a lot of time to spend with both families, but it was fun. Until the kids brought out the croquet came. I just hate it so much! And I always lose. I just can't hit that dang ball the right way. And also, it makes me feel funny to play. When we were young, I feel like our rich cousins played croquet. And we probably made fun of it. Guess I'll have to get my brother to tell me if that really happened since he is a living holder of all memories that ever happened in our lives (a living pensieve!). Needless to say, I lost. womp womp.