Sunday, April 8, 2012

I don't know the first thing about Love..

Happy Easter! I've gotta say that I really suck at blogging this time around.
Anyway...I hope everyone has a great time with their families today. I woke up, read the Easter story, finished my key lime pie for today..gave the doggies their Easter basket..And had some coffee and cinnamon roles! It feels really weird, not being at church today. (we had so many things to do today so I just decided not to go) I had my own church this morning, the only thing missing is the communion that they are having today..
I hope that everyone takes a little time out of their day to pray or at least reflect on what Jesus did for us. It's such a beautiful thing that we shouldn't forget or ever take for granted.

I'm watching Rocky right now. I just can't pass it up when it's on tv! And I always get so mad that Paulie is so mean to Adrian. And I hate the part when he throws the turkey in the alley! I would punch him!

Well, Judah and I are about to start our crazy day! We are going to hide eggs for the Easter egg hunt this afternoon. Yay! It's the first one we are doing at my parent's house. I have a horrible memory, but I do remember going to Glynnwood Plantation when I was little for the Easter egg hunt. It was so fun!
Then we are off to Baker to get the boys, bring them to Glynn to see my family, eat lots and lots of crawfish and other Serio casseroles, then drive to Central later on to go to Judah's parent's house for more really awesome food. I really need to get some of my mother in law's recipes. Her monkey bread is the best yet! (Ash-I'm in no way comparing it to yours! Her's is more savory than sweet, which makes it something totally different to me!)

Happy Resurrection day, y'all!

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