Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hey Juuude..

I just have to say this funny story real quick. Today Judah and I were at my parents house and we were about to walk maw maw was sitting by the door and she started singing "Heey Juude..You know, I like to listen to hip music..I don't like all that old stuff." ahahahha. How funny.
We had a fun day..We just hung around with the boys..rode the go kart and 4 wheeler. Looked for gators (we didn't see any, boo), looked for blackberries to pick (there weren't many, and the few we did see were either too far into the water/ditch or still too red to pick), and played video games. They loooove video games. Sometimes I get a little upset that most kids these days don't appreciate the same things we do. I have great memories of my younger brother and I picking blackberries for my mom to make jam (we ate so many of them before they could all make it home)..It's just little things like that that make the best memories. Oh well, I guess we have done a good job so far in turning cities boys into country boys! They aren't afraid to get dirty anymore. They even get excited about looking for gators (although, it's a bad idea for anyone to bring up the time that Charlie TORTURED them by bringing them in a boat in one of the crawfish ponds where there were gators.) The only thing they ask for now, is a go kart with windows. ha! Now wouldn't that be nice to have?? I'm thinking the Easter bunny might just bring them some sunglasses to wear while they ride :)
Is anyone watching Game of Thrones? Judah is obsessed with it. He goes on and on about how amazing the storyline is, how great the acting is..he just loves it. I watch it too..there are some parts that are a little..yucky. I'm just glad he is actually into a TV show!
I'm eating key lime pie yogurt balls right now. So gooooood.
That's all.


  1. "I'm eating key lime pie yogurt balls right now. So gooooood"
    What? From where? How?

  2. port allen wal mart! buy them!
