Thursday, March 31, 2011

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..

Less than 24 hours until I am listening to the beautiful sounds of Explosions In the Sky..yay! I'm so not looking forward to the 5 and a half hour drive..but I know it will be worth it. Don't forget that tomorrow is April Fool's Day, everyone! Don't let nobody hand you no wooden nickels. I'm gonna be on the lookout for tricksters. On the flipside, I really need a trick to play on my husband..I already pulled the pregnancy thing last year so I can't do that again..I will have to think of something. 
I cooked falafels for supper..Judah walks in from work and tells me he needs something of substance to eat, and he's tired of eating fruits and it's 9:30..and he's ordering a pizza. men! If I ate that right now, I would have heartburn all night and never be able to sleep. 
I missed Swamp People..I wanted to watch it because some of those people are from not too far past the Plaquemine office where I work. Darn! 
I just found out today that another one of my co workers is going to work somewhere else..The PT that I usually work with is moving this that's 2 of my buddies leaving :-/ My boss just hired one new PT that I know everyone will get along with..he's really cool. He is about to graduate so all he has to do is pass his boards and he's good to go. It's gonna be a lot different at my job..but I'm looking forward to change. I'm excited that our New Roads office is starting to get a lot busier. That office is like my baby. I would love to own it one day. I would like to own it and hire a PT to work it..and I could work a few days a week, but still have the liberty to be off a few days during the week. I don't even know what it's like to have a week day off. I have been working/at school every day since..well since I started going to school I guess. I don't see the point right now in taking any days off during the week (I don't think I would be able to do that anyway, as we are busy in all of our offices right now), but I know when I have kids I'll want a few days off. 
That's enough boring rambles for one night..goodnight!


  1. i would eat your falafel!!
    also.. who else is moving? we've known about lacey for a long time...?

  2. lol! i love that judah said he's tired of eating fruits and veggies...too funny...

    i really hope you get to own that office...
