Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When my thoughts drift to you..

Yay only 15 more days until Band Of Horses!
And only 9 days until Explosions In the Sky!

I started p90x today..it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I did the cardio dvd..which is 30 minutes of karate, plyometrics, boxing..and other random things put together. Yeah, it was hard..but not as hard as I thought it would be. I'm not really that great at sticking to something like this every day..but I learned some new exercises that I can throw in with the ones I already do..I think I'm gonna cheat on my no sweets fast tomorrow..we are celebrating a co worker's birthday, and instead of asking for a cake like usual (that I could pass up with no problem) she decided she wanted Michael Morgan cookies. I can seriously eat an entire batch of them without thinking twice about it..so I'm gonna have the cookie. and I'm not gonna beat myself up about it. I'm sorry that I always talk about food or working out..I just feel like this is like my journal, and it's what I'm dealing with at this moment!

I'm really tired now..and I'm gonna go watch Lights Out with my hubby. It's our show! (besides Southpark, and secretly the Bachelor!)


  1. (the cardio one MAY or may not be the easiest one... which is why it's my favorite.)

  2. I didn't know y'all watch Lights Out! Nic (and I, by default) watches it and loves it
